There are many Equations. Some are difficult to solve, for example: an xn + an-1 xn-1 + .. + a0 = 0.
In this problem, you are given a simple equation: AX + BY = XY. To simplify the problem, here A, B, X, Y are positive integers. Your task is to find the solution (X, Y) of this equation where X is not less than M. If there are multiple solutions, you should choose the solution with the minimal X + Y. If there are still ties, you should choose the solution with the minimal X.
There are multiple test cases (about 3000). For each test case:
There is only one line contains three integers A, B (1 <= A, B <= 10 ^ 9) and M (1 <= M <= 10 ^ 18).
For each test case, output X and Y. If there is no valid solution, output “No answer” instead.
Sample Input
1 1 2 1 1 3 3 4 8 3 4 9
Sample Output
2 2 No answer 8 6 10 5
Author: LIANG, Mingqiang
Source: ZOJ Monthly, January 2014
这题还是比较好做的,我当做最简单题来做的。很容易对原式变形得到:$$(x-B)(y-A)=A \times B$$这样问题就变形了对\(A \times B\)这个数进行因式分解即可。A、B范围是\(10^9\),这样分别对A、B因式分解只需要考虑小于(10^5)的素数测试就好了。另外估算一下:① \( 2 \times 3 \times 5 \times 7 \times 11 \times 13 \times \cdots \times 29 = 6,469,693,230 > 1 \times 10^9\) ,这里最多10个素数;② \( 2^{60}=1,152,921,504,606,846,976 > 1 \times 10^{18}\)即指数和最大不超过60。因此这个计算过程是可以暴力进行的。也就是说对\(A \times B\)的每个因子进行一次枚举即可。设\(A \times B\)的一个因子是\(x_0\),那么
x &= B + x_0 \\
y &= A + \frac{A \times B}{x_0}
#include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> #include <cmath> using namespace std; //分解质因数 //prime_factor()传入n, 返回不同质因数的个数 //f存放质因数,nf存放对应质因数的个数 //先调用initprime(),其中第二个initprime()更快 #define PSIZE (95592+5) long long plist[PSIZE]; int pcount=0; int prime(long n){ int i; if ((n!=2&&!(n%2))||(n!=3&&!(n%3))||(n!=5&&!(n%5))||(n!=7&&!(n%7))) return 0; for (i=0;plist[i]*plist[i]<=n;++i) if (!(n%plist[i])) return 0; return n>1; } void initprime(){ int i; for (plist[pcount++]=2,i=3;i<100000;++i) if (prime(i)) plist[pcount++]=i; } int prime_factor(long n, long * f, int *nf) { int cnt = 0; long n2 = sqrt((double)n); for(int i = 0; n > 1 && plist[i] <= n2; ++i) if (n % plist[i] == 0) { for (nf[cnt] = 0; n % plist[i] == 0; ++nf[cnt], n /= plist[i]); f[cnt++] = plist[i]; } if (n > 1) nf[cnt] = 1, f[cnt++] = n; return cnt; } long long mod_pow(long p,int k){ long long ret=1,q=p; while(k){ if(k&1)ret*=q; k>>=1; q=q*q; } return ret; } long A,B,mid; long long M; long a[15],b[15],c[15]; int an[15],bn[15],cn[15]; int acnt,bcnt,ccnt; long long ans1,ans2; int v[15]; void dfs(int cnt){ if(cnt==ccnt){ long long test=1,t1,t2; for(int i=0;i<ccnt;i++){ test*=mod_pow(c[i],v[i]); } t1=B+test; t2=1LL*A*B/test+A; if(t1>=M){ if(-1==ans1 || t1+t2<ans1+ans2 || (t1+t2==ans1+ans2 && t1<ans1))ans1=t1,ans2=t2; } return; } for(int i=0;i<=cn[cnt];i++){//第cnt+1个素数可以取值0...cnt v[cnt]=i; dfs(cnt+1); } } int main(){ initprime(); //cout<<pcount<<endl; while(~scanf("%ld%ld%lld",&A,&B,&M)){ //mid=sqrt(A)*sqrt(B)+0.6; acnt=prime_factor(A,a,an); bcnt=prime_factor(B,b,bn); ccnt=0; for(int i=0,j=0;i<acnt || j<bcnt;){ if((i<acnt && j<bcnt && a[i]<b[j]) || (j==bcnt && i<acnt)){ c[ccnt]=a[i]; cn[ccnt]=an[i]; ccnt++; i++; } else if((i<acnt && j<bcnt && a[i]>b[j]) || (i==acnt && j<bcnt)){ c[ccnt]=b[j]; cn[ccnt]=bn[j]; ccnt++; j++; } else{ c[ccnt]=a[i]; cn[ccnt]=an[i]+bn[j]; ccnt++; i++; j++; } } ans1=-1; dfs(0); if(-1==ans1)printf("No answern"); else printf("%lld %lldn",ans1,ans2); } return 0; }